Friday, September 20, 2013

The Five Cent Tour

I have recently spent alot of time at conferences listening to speakers who I do not know. They often have 30 seconds to grab my attention and usually, I know if I am interested in what they have to say within that time. One of my favorite introductions was a two breath bio. The speaker was very energetic and really got the crowd invested in what he was going to say. After a dramatic build up, he gave us way more information than we could process from his two breath bio. It was very affective however, the entire room was interested in this guy. So, here is my attempt at an introduction. I am going to follow the speakers lead and give you a lot of information right up front. I know there will be ample future posts that will fill in the sparse details I am providing here. My goal is simply to introduce myself and lure you into my world.
My name is Bonnie Bailey. I am a rennaisance woman because I love to learn about everything. I am a wife, mother, student, knitting teacher, and current President of the Financial Planning Association of Shepherd University Student Chapter. I love to cook, craft, hike and read. I am a future financial planner with a passion for anything business and financial related. I also adore fashion and shoes...but who doesn't? I hope this introduction has served it's purpose and provided the back drop for an ecclectic and completely personal blog. I intend to document anything that crosses my mind and provide you all with a look into an average, modern rennaisance woman.

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